Hello and Welcome, Welkom, Muli bwanji
Olandiridwa, As-salaamAlaykum, Lumela Kamohelo…
I could greet you with any of the above and a whole heap more words (as can anyone who has google, no big deal); but see, I’ve lived for an extended period of time in all of the countries mentioned above: South Africa, North America, Malawi in Central Africa and Dubai in the Middle East. I’ve travelled to every continent, other than the Arctic, turning the seemingly glamourous into the ordinary; and reducing the world to a classroom globe spinning around airports and technology . . . read more
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I’m going grey, but the grey gotta be going
I’m too sexy for my hair, too sexy for my hair yeah! In honour of my recent 61st birthday I’m typing these words because 1. I’m glad that I still type faster than I can think (which maybe isn’t saying too much) and 2. I’d love you to know, oh Sister headmistress of Swishinghabit and…

Yes, I’m staying
Yes, I’m staying,here right where we are, in South Africa. Oh, Cry this beloved country, a world in one country, So astoundingly beautiful and diverse in landscape and peoples. So torn and tormented with an eccentric past, looted present and rattled future.We’re staying,simply because we’re not going anywhere else and nor do we want to….

Living in the moment
The three gorgeous bridesmaids, in their softly flowing blue and white china-plate dresses floated in on the piano and cello notes of “I’ll love you for a thousand years”. The groom and his best men stood under a halo of pink, blue and purple flowers. The guests gasped in the wonder of so much pretty…

Snot Balls for President
I was catching up with a dear friend of mine across the pond in Canada the other day. We reminisced about the time we were living in Malawi (Central Africa) and used to go for long runs along rocky mountain roads and dusty tracks chatting incessantly to take our minds off the pain and strain…

The missing ink of communication
A long, long time ago (like almost 40 years); I was an exchange student to the USA. In those days the job and the title was prestigious, sought after and impressive. Exactly to whom I’m not sure, but people raised their eyebrows (possibly in wonder), smiled politely, gave the equivalent of a high five and wished…

There’ll be no red white and blue covering my profile picture
Not that there’s anything wrong with showing solidarity or as a symbol of unity and love in a crisis such as France is carrying right now. Not that I don’t love Paris. I do, and am lucky enough to have had a few wonderful and wonder-filled times there. I love the culture and the café’s…